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Brief Question Answer from William Blake

William Blake

1. Who is William Blake?

Ans: William Blake is well known English poet, painter, and printmaker. He is also known as the precursor of romanticism in English.

2. When was William Blake born?

Ans: William Blake was born on November 28, 1757.

3. Where was William Blake born?

Ans: William Blake was born at 28 Broad Street (now Broadwick Street) in Soho, London.

4. When was William Blake died?

Ans: William Blake was died on August 12, 1827.

5. Who is the father of William Blake?

Ans: Blake was the third of seven children of James.

6. Who is the wife of William Blake?

Ans: Catherine Boucher is the wife of William Blake.

7. How many siblings did Blake have?

Ans: Blake had six siblings. He was the third of seven children, two of whom died in infancy.

8. What was Blake's father?

Ans: Blake's father was a hosier.

9. How many children did Blake have?

Ans: Blake couple had no children.

10. In which school did Blake go?

Ans: Blake went to Royal Academy of Arts. At the age of ten, he left the school.

11. Which literary movement did Blake involved in?

Ans: William Blake was involved with Romanticism.

12. Which are the notable works of Blake?

Ans: The notable works of Blake are Songs of Innocence and of Experience, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell, The Four Zoas, Jerusalem, Milton, "And did those feet in ancient time".

13. Why is William Blake called a pre-romantic?

Ans: William Blake is called a pre-romantic because he wrote his romantic poetry before the starting of Romantic Age that started with the publication of Lyrical Ballads.

14. Who is the precursor of Romanticism in English?

Ans: William Blake is the precursor of Romanticism in English.

15. What romantic qualities are found in the poetry of Blake?

Ans: Romantic qualities like imagination, subjectivity of approach, freedom of thought and expression, and an idealization of nature are found in the poems of Blake.

16. What is the doctrine of pre-existence of the human soul? [NU 2018]

Ans: The doctrine of per-existence of human soul refers to the belief that each individual human soul existed before mortal conception and it is placed into the body at some point before birth.

17. Name the two groups of poems William Blake has written.

Ans: The two groups of poems William Blake has written are “Songs of Innocence” and “Songs of Experience”.

18. What kind of poet is William Blake?

Ans: William Blake is a visionary poet but aware of the realities and complexities of experience, particularly of poverty and oppression.
