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What is Puntuation?

Punctuation refers to a set of symbols and marks used in written language to clarify meaning and improve the readability and comprehension of written texts. Punctuation marks are used to indicate pauses, emphasis, and intonation in written communication.

Common punctuation marks include:

Period (.) - used to indicate the end of a sentence

Comma (,) - used to separate items in a list, to separate clauses in a sentence, or to indicate a pause

Semi-colon (;) - used to separate two closely related independent clauses

Colon (:) - used to introduce a list or a quotation, or to separate clauses in a sentence

Question mark (?) - used to indicate a question

Exclamation mark (!) - used to indicate emphasis or strong emotion

Quotation marks (" ") - used to indicate direct speech or to indicate the title of a book, movie, or article

The use of punctuation is important in written communication, as it can affect the meaning and interpretation of a text. Proper punctuation can help to make writing clearer, more effective, and more engaging for the reader.

Examples of Punctuation

01. Puntuate the following question:
overhearing their whispers the said to the dervishes are you not of this house then no they replied we have never been in this place before.

Answer: Overhearing their whispers, he said to the dervishes, “Are you not of this house then?” “No”, they replied, “We have never been in this place before”.

02. Puntuate the following question:
the woman had been sent to the village by the government but she did not act like an official she humbly asked permission to address the village elders ive come to help your children she said.
Answer: The woman had been sent to the village by the government. But she did not act like an official. She humbly asked permission to address the village elders. “I’ve come to help your children”, she said.

03. Puntuate the following question:
Once some merchants were going to Bagdad from jilan Bagdad was far away from jilan a woman came to the merchants with her son she to them my son will go to Bagdad to study will you take him with you.
Answer: Once some merchants were going to Bagdad from Jilan. Bagdad was far away from Jilan. A woman came to the merchant with her son. She said to them, “My son will go to Bagdad to study. Will you take him with you?”
