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Antonyms for non-credit or Compulsory English


Antonyms are very important for all the student of honours 2nd and degree 3rd year. Because it holds about 5 marks in the Non-credit/ Compulsory English. And it is not the easy topic at all because you have to write the antonyms of the given words and make sentence with the antonyms word.

Direction for writing Antonyms in the exam:

  1. Write down the given words.
  2. Write down the antonyms of the word side by side.
  3. Make sentences with the antonyms you have written. 
NB: It is not important to make standard sentence but a correct sentence. You may make the sentence as easy as "I eat rice". Just make sure that the sentence is correct and your presentation is clear and beautiful.


When writing antonyms, it's important to keep in mind the following:

Context: Just like synonyms, antonyms should be chosen based on the context in which they are being used. The opposite of a word can vary depending on the context, so make sure to choose the appropriate antonym that fits the context.

Degree of opposition: Consider the degree of opposition between the original word and its antonym. Some antonyms have a strong opposition, while others may have a more subtle difference in meaning. Choose the appropriate antonym that accurately conveys the intended meaning.

Connotation: Consider the connotation of the antonym. Some antonyms may have positive or negative connotations, so choose the one that fits the intended tone and meaning.

Accuracy: Ensure that the antonym accurately conveys the opposite meaning of the original word. Avoid using antonyms that may change the intended meaning or create confusion for the reader.

Variety: Use a variety of antonyms to avoid repetition and make the writing more interesting. However, make sure to use antonyms that are commonly used and familiar to the reader.

Overall, it's important to choose antonyms carefully to ensure that they accurately convey the opposite meaning of the original word and fit the intended tone and context.
