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Important Proverbs for bank, BCS or other job preparation


Proverbs are short, pithy sayings that express a truth or piece of advice. They are typically based on common sense, experience, or traditional wisdom and are often used to offer guidance, express a moral lesson, or convey a universal truth. Proverbs can be found in many cultures and languages and are often passed down from generation to generation. Examples of well-known proverbs include "A penny saved is a penny earned," "Actions speak louder than words," and "You can't judge a book by its cover."


Proverbs can be classified in various ways based on different criteria. Here are some common classifications of proverbs:
Based on their subject matter: Proverbs can be classified based on their subject matter, such as love, wisdom, friendship, life, success, happiness, etc.
Based on their origin: Proverbs can be classified based on their country or culture of origin, such as African proverbs, Chinese proverbs, Arabic proverbs, Indian proverbs, etc.
Based on their structure: Proverbs can be classified based on their structural features, such as alliteration, rhyme, meter, etc.
Based on their purpose: Proverbs can be classified based on their intended purpose, such as to educate, to entertain, to advise, to warn, to inspire, etc.
Based on their age: Proverbs can be classified based on their age, such as ancient proverbs, modern proverbs, or contemporary proverbs.
Based on their language: Proverbs can be classified based on the language in which they are written, such as English proverbs, French proverbs, Spanish proverbs, etc.
