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Brief Question Answer from 'The Lamb' by William Blake

The Lamb

by William Blake

1. What does the child ask the lamb?

Ans: The child asks the lamb whether it knows who its creator is.

2. What does 'the lamb' symbolize?

Ans: The lamb symbolizes innocence.

3. How is the wool of the lamb?

Ans: The wool of the lamb is bright, soft and warm.

4. How is the voice of the lamb?

Ans: The voice of the lamb is tender and capable making the valleys rejoice.   

5. Who is called by the name of Lamb?

Ans: God, the creator of the Lamb, is called by the name of Lamb.

6. Why is Jesus Christ called the Lamb?

Ans: Christ is called the Lamb because he is meek and mild like the lamb.

7. Who calls Himself: 'Lamb'?

Ans: God, the creator of the lamb, calls Himself  'Lamb'.

8. 'He became a little child' - Who and how?

Ans: God became a little child through the birth of Jesus Christ.

9. Why is Christ regarded as God?

Ans: Christ is regarded as God because he is known by God’s name.
