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Correction Rules(36-40), Examples & Quick Test


Rule-36: adjective এর পূর্বে যখন the বসে তখন তা সমগ্র জাতিকে বুঝায় এবং তখন এর পরে কোন noun বা noun word বসে না।


The rich people are happy.The rich are happy.
The virtuous people are blessed.The virtuous are blessed.

Rule-37: Correlative conjunction ‘so………….as’ না বোধক এবং ‘as…………as’ হ্যাঁ বোধক বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত হয়।


I am not as tall as he.I am not so tall as he.
He is so brave as a lion.He is as brave as a lion.

Rule-38: participle সবসময় sentence-এ সঙ্গতিপূর্ণ ভাবে বসে।


Walking in the garden, a snake bit him.While he was walking in the garden, a snake bit him.
Being a hot day, people cannot go out.It being a hot day, people cannot go out.

Rule-39: বাক্যে just, just now, yet, recently, immediately থাকলে তা সবসময় present perfect tense হবে।


He came just now.He has come just now.
Did he write a letter yet?Has he written a letter yet?

Rule-40: noun বা pronoun অনেকসময় preposition এর object রূপে বসে।


He took money from I.He took money from me.
This money will be distributed between Rupa and he.This money will be distributed between Rupa and him.

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