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Correction Rules(21-25), Examples & Quick Test



Rule-21: নিজের দ্বারা কৃত বা অধিকৃত কোন কিছু করা বা নেওয়া বুঝালে অতিরিক্ত কোন possessive বসান লাগে না।


We went on our foot.We went on foot.
She took the set in her hand.She took the set in hand.

Rule-22: Taka ব্যবহৃত হয় নির্দিষ্ট অর্থে এবং money ব্যবহৃত হয় অনির্দিষ্ট অর্থে।


He has twenty money in his pocket.He has twenty taka in his pocket.
My grandfather had a lot of taka,My grandfather had a lot of money,

Rule-23: proper noun এর পূর্বে whole বসে না; the whole of বা all বসে। আবার singular ও plural উভয় common noun এর পূর্বে whole বসে। singular common noun এর পূর্বে whole বসলে তার পূর্বে the বসে।


Whole Bangladesh joined at the winning of Nobel prize by Dr. Yunus.The whole of Bangladesh joined at the winning of Nobel prize by Dr. Yunus.
I have gone through whole book.I have gone through the whole book.

Rule-24: anticipatory বা introductory ‘it’ এর পর verb সবসময় singular হয়।


It are the cow that gives milk.It is the cow that gives milk.
It are they who came here.It is they who came here.

Rule-25: some এবং such যখন adjective হিসাবে বসে তখন এগুলোর পর conjunction হিসাবে as বসে


I want such ideas that are useful.I want such ideas as are useful.
I mix with such students who are brilliant.I mix with such students as are brilliant.

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