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Correction Rules(06-10), Examples & Quick Test



Rule-06: কোন sentence এ subject এর পূর্বে যদি many a/an থাকে তবে subject টি 3rd person singular number হবে এবং verb টিও singular number হবে। কিন্তু a great many / many এর পরে noun ও verb plural number হবে।


Many a men are absent.Many a man is absent.
A great many boy has come.A great many boys have come.

Rule-07: একই sentence-এ দুই বার negative হয় না। অর্থাৎ কোন sentence-এ not/no থাকলে সেই বাক্যে never/unless/until ইত্যাদি বসবে না।


I do not know never why he has done it. I do not know why he has done it.
Wait here until I do not come.Wait here until I come.
Wait here till I do not come.

Rule-08: একই sentence-এ দুইটি future tense না হয়ে প্রথম clause টি present tense হয় এবং দ্বিতীয় clause টি future tense হয়। (Ref: Structure of 1st conditional: If+present indefinite+future indefinite.)


If you will come, I will go.If you come, I will go.
If Rana will attend the classes, he will not be fined.If Rana attends the classes, he will not be fined.

Rule-09: senior, junior, inferior, superior, refer, prior এর পরে comparative degree তে than না বসে to বসে।


Bidhan is senior than Rohan.Bidhan is senior to Rohan.
I prefer reading than writing.I prefer reading to writing.

Rule-10: দুটি জিনিসের মধ্যে তুলনা বুঝালে Comparative degree তে than এর পর that of বা those of বসে। উল্লেখ্য singular subject এর ক্ষেত্রে that of এবং plural subject এর ক্ষেত্রে those of বসে।


Incorrect Correct
The colour of this pen is better than her pen.The colour of this pen is better than that of her pen.
The fishes of Barisal are better than Satkhira.The fishes of Barisal are better than those of Satkhira.

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