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Correction Rules(11-15), Examples & Quick Test


Rule-11: relative conjunction যেমন what, which, that ইত্যাদি থাকলে sentence এর দ্বিতীয় clause টির জন্য কোন subject বসে না।


The fish which he ate yesterday it was cheap.The fish which he ate yesterday was cheap.
The man who came here he was a professor.The man who came here was a professor.

Rule-12: কোন sentence-এ adverb সাধারণত object এর পরে বসে। verb ও object এর মাঝে বসে না।


He has made nice the pot.He has made the pot nice.
He read minutely the letter.He read the letter minutely.

Rule-13: Point of time এর পূর্বে since এবং period of time এর পূর্বে for বসে।


It has been raining since two days. It has been raining for two days.
He has been reading for Monday.He has been reading since Monday.

Rule-14: no sooner had যুক্ত sentence-এ than এবং hardly had/ scarcely had যুক্ত sentence-এ when বসে


No sooner had he come when the rain began. No sooner had he come than the rain began.
Hardly had the girl entered the room than the roof collapsed.Hardly had the girl entered the room when the roof collapsed.

Rule-15: sentence-এ would rather, would better, had better, had rather, had sooner ইত্যাদির পরে bare infinitive হয় অর্থাৎ to বসে না।


He had better to go home.He had better go home.
You would rather to consult a doctor.You would rather consult a doctor.

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