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Paragraph; Brief-answer Questions


1. What is a paragraph?
Ans: A paragraph is a group of sentences which tell about a particular topic.
2. How many parts are there in a paragraph? 
Ans: There are three basic parts of a paragraph: topic sentence, developers and terminator.
3. What are the essential elements of a paragraph? [NU 2018]
Ans: The essential elements of a good paragraph are: unity, order, coherence, and completeness.
4. What is the key sentence in a paragraph?
Ans: The topic sentence, the sentence that expresses the central claim of a paragraph, is the key sentence of that paragraph.
5. What is a topic sentence in a paragraph? [NU 2015]
Ans: A topic sentence is the single most important sentence in a paragraph. It holds the main idea of the paragraph and gives a direction to it.
6. Put forward the difference between topic sentence and introductory sentence 
Ans: The topic sentence of a paragraph holds its main idea and organizes the whole paragraph. On the other hand, introductory sentence is the opening sentence of the paragraph, which provides background about the topic or main idea. Unlike topic sentence, introductory sentence is not developed through the paragraph.
7. What do you mean by 'developers' in a paragraph? 
Ans: By the ‘developers’ in a paragraph I understand the sentences that follow the topic sentence and logically develop the ideas stated in the topic sentence.
8. What is the function of developers?
Ans: The function of developers in a paragraph is to elaborate the ideas expressed in the topic sentence.
9. What is terminator in a paragraph? [NU 2016]
Ans: Terminator in a paragraph is the concluding sentence which summarizes the developers and restates the topic of the paragraph.
10. What is restatement in a paragraph?
Ans: Restatement in a paragraph means to write the topic sentence differently using different words.  
11. What is the function of restatement? 
Ans: The function of restatement is to draw attention to the main idea expressed in the topic sentence. 
12. What is cohesion? [NU 2015, 2017]
Ans: Cohesion is the grammatical and lexical linking within a text or sentence that holds a text together and gives it meaning.
13. What is coherence in a paragraph? [NU 2016]
Ans: Coherence is the semantic relationship which links the meaning of the sentences in a text/paragraph. It is the logical interconnection of the parts/ideas of a writing, which gives the consistent meaning of the ideas.
14. What is the context modulator in a paragraph? 
Ans: A context modulator is a sentence that provides a smooth transition between different sets of ideas expressed in a paragraph.
15. What are signposts?
Ans: Signposts are the words and phrases that signal key aspects of a write-up, such as purpose, structure, author's stance, main points, direction of the argument, conclusions etc.
16. What do you mean by linkers?
Ans: Linkers are words or phrases that link one idea or sentence of a piece of writing to another.
17. Mention the importance of linkers.
Ans: The importance of linkers is to link one idea or sentence of a piece of writing to another.
18. What is the function of linkers in a paragraph?
Ans: The function of linkers in a paragraph is to bring cohesion in the paragraph.
19. What are discourse markers?
Ans: Discourse markers are words or phrases like ‘anyway’, ‘right’, ‘okay’, ‘as I say’, ‘to begin with’ etc. that we use to connect, organize and manage what we say or write or to express an attitude.
20. Mention various types of paragraph.
Ans: Narrative paragraph, descriptive paragraph, expository paragraph, argumentative paragraph, cause and effect paragraph, contrast paragraph, listing paragraph, example paragraph, process paragraph etc.
21. What is a descriptive paragraph? 
Ans: A descriptive paragraph vividly portrays the picture of a person, a place or an object in such a way that the reader can visualize the topic.
22. Define a narrative paragraph in one sentence. 
Ans: Narrative paragraph is a paragraph development that tells a story or an event maintaining a sense of the sequence.
23. What is 'definition paragraph'? 
Ans: A definition paragraph is a paragraph that explains a term or subject so that the audience comprehends the topic of the paragraph.
24. What is an expository paragraph?
Ans: An expository paragraph is a paragraph in which information about any topic is exposed and explained. Expository paragraphs explain a subject and give directions to do something.
25. What is a process paragraph?                                        
Ans: A process paragraph is a series of steps that explain how something happens or how to make something.
26. What is a cause and effect paragraph?
Ans: A cause and effect paragraph is a kind of paragraph in which a writer analyzes the reasons for and the consequences of an action, event, or decision.
27. What are the linkers commonly used in a cause and effect paragraph?
Ans: The linkers commonly used in a cause and effect paragraph are because, so, accordingly, thus, consequently, hence, therefore, as etc.
28. What is a comparison and contrast paragraph?
Ans: A comparison and contrast paragraph is a paragraph that deals about the similarities and differences between two or more people, places, things, or ideas.
29. What are the transition makers used in a comparison and contrast paragraph?
Ans: The transition makers used in a comparison and contrast paragraph are “Conversely”, “Likewise”, “On the other hand”, “Rather”, “Similarly”, “Yet”, “However”, “Nevertheless”, “In contrast” etc. 
30. Define a contrast paragraph. 
Ans: The paragraph in which only the dissimilarities between the objects contrasted are shown is a contrast paragraph.
31. Which transition markers will you use in case of a contrast paragraph?
Ans: In case of contrast paragraph, I will use “but”, “on the other hand”, “however”, “yet”, “still”, “even though”, “after all”, “otherwise”, and “in contrast” as transitional marker.
32. What is block method?
Ans: Block method is a method of paragraph or essay writing in which all the similarities between at least two things stated first and then the differences are included
33. What is example paragraph?
Ans: An example paragraph is any paragraph that introduces a subject in the topic sentence and gives three examples of the subject in the body.
34. What linkers are used in writing an example paragraph?
Ans: The linkers used in writing an example paragraph are ‘for example’, ‘such as’, ‘for instance’, ‘in this case’, ‘in another case’, ‘on this occasion’, ‘in this situation’, ‘in this manner’, ‘to illustrate’, etc.
35. What is a listing paragraph? [NU 2017]
Ans: Listing paragraph is a kind of paragraph in which the topic sentence is developed and clarified through using listing conjunctions like firstly, secondly, finally etc.
36. What is listing technique in paragraph development? 
Ans: Listing technique in a paragraph development is the use of listing conjunctions or sentence connectors to present the developers cohesively.
37. What linkers are used in a list paragraph? 
Ans: The linkers used in a list paragraph are firstly, secondly, thirdly, next, then, finally etc.
38. What transition marker would you use to conclude a paragraph?
i. Secondly, ii. moreover, iii. To sum up. [NU 2013]
Ans: iii. To sum up. 
39. Mention transitional markers or linkers used to add similar information.
Ans: As well as, In addition to, Besides etc. are used to add similar information.
40. Which transition marker would you use to introduce an example?
(i) as a result, (ii) for instance (iii) in addition. [NU 2013]
Ans: ii. For instance
41. Which transition market would you use to express concession?
i. Nontheless  ii. Moreover  iii. Furthermore
Ans: i. Nontheless  
42. Which transition marker would you use to introduce an opposite idea?
(i) as a result (ii) in addition (iii) on the contrary 
Ans: (iii) on the contrary
43. Which transition marker would you use to write a comparative paragraph? 
i. Similarly, ii. In addition to, iii. To sum up. [NU 2015]
Ans: i. Similarly 
44. What sentence linker of the following ones will you use to link two sentences of cause and effect relation? (1) in fine (2) as a result (3) ultimately [NU 2014]
Ans: (2) as a result
45. Which liking word would you use to give example? 
i. Such as    ii. as well as        iii. Finally
Ans:  i. Such as    
46. Which linking word would you use to make a contrast? 
i. but  ii. While iii. Whereas
Ans: i. but  
47. What transition marker of the following ones would be applicable in making alternative approach in writing? 
(1) More over (2) Connection to (3) in lieu of [NU 2014]
Ans: (3) in lieu of 
48. Which transition marker will you use to say something opposite to what already stated?
Ans: On the contrary. 
49. Which transition marker would you use to write a cause and effect paragraph? 
(i)  Similarly (ii) Still (iii) That’s why
Ans: iii. That’s why
50. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph on "A Good Novel."
Ans: A good novel widens the mental horizon of a reader in various ways.  
51. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph on "Democracy."
Ans: Democracy has been defined as 'the government of the people, by the people, and for the people'. 
52. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph on "Gender Discrimination."
Ans: Gender discrimination is the difference between male and female in respect of enjoying human rights.
53. Write a topic sentence for a paragraph on 'Facebook'.
Ans: Facebook is an online social networking system that provides its users with many different services.
54. Write a topic sentence for paragraph on "A Good Book" [NU 2014]
Ans: A good book motivates the reader in various ways.
55. Write a topic sentence for paragraph on "A Picnic Spot'.
Ans: A picnic spot is either a natural or an artificially arranged location where cooking, resting and refreshment facilities are provided to pleasure seeking groups of people.  
56. Write a topic sentence for the paragraph 'Loneliness'.
Ans: Loneliness is a complex and usually unpleasant emotional response to isolation.
57. Write a topic sentence on 'Our National Flag'.
Ans: Our national flag is the symbol of independence and sovereignty of our country.
58. Write a topic sentence to begin a paragraph on "Political Violence in Bangladesh."
Ans: The political violence in Bangladesh has some negative impacts on the socio-economic development of this country. 
59. Write a topic sentence to begin a paragraph on 'A Flower Shop'
Ans: A flower shop displays different types of flowers for selling.
60. Write a topic sentence to begin a paragraph on 'Climate change'.
Ans: Climate change is now the most unpredictable threat to our planet.
61. Write a topic sentence to being a paragraph on "Causes of Environment Pollution"? [NU 2013]
Ans: Many natural and man-made causes are responsible for environment pollution.
