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Explanation of 'When' in Bengali


-কোন ঘটনা বা কাজ কোন সময়ে সংঘটিত হয়েছিল বা হবে ইত্যাদি জানার জন্য When দ্বারা প্রশ্ন করা হয়।

Rule-1:  Sentence-এ to be verb/to have verb/modal auxiliary থাকলে-
i. প্রথমে When বসে।
ii. প্রদত্ত বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত to be verb/to have verb/modal auxiliary বসে।
iii. প্রদত্ত বাক্যের subject নিয়মানুযায়ী বসবে।
iv. বাকি অংশ বসবে এবং সময় নির্দেশক শব্দ বাদ যাবে।
v. Note of Interrogation (?) বসবে।

Structure: When + to be verb/ to have verb/modal auxiliary + subject + বাকি অংশ (উত্তর বাদে)+ ?

1. They are going to Dhaka tomorrow.
WH-question: When are they going to Dhaka?
2. I have plucked flowers in the morning.
WH-question: When have you plucked flowers?
3. Yesterday she could visit her father.
WH-question: When could she visit her father?

1. They will arrive at Sunday.
2. The meeting is expected to hold at 5 pm.
3. The principal was delivering lecture yesterday.
4. It may rain today.
5. In 1971, our brave sons were in a mission.
6. I am going to take the opportunity next Friday.
7. Last night it was raining heavily.
8. She will take rest at night.
9. The school was established five years ago.
10. The police are acting at this moment.

Rule-2: Sentence-এ to be verb/to have verb/modal auxiliary না থাকলে-
i. প্রথমে When বসে।
ii. Tense, person, এবং number অনুযায়ী do/does/did বসে।
iii. নিয়মানুযায়ী subject বসে।
iv. বাক্যে ব্যবহৃত verb টির present form বসে।
v. বাকি অংশ বসবে এবং সময় নির্দেশক শব্দ বাদ যাবে।
vi. Note of Interrogation (?) বসবে।

Structure: When + do/does/did + subject + verb (present form) + বাকি অংশ (সময় নির্দেশক শব্দ বাদ) + ?

1. The meeting ends at 2 am.
WH-question: When does the meeting end?
2. We start in the morning.
WH-question: When do you start?
3. They saw her last Monday.
WH-question: When did they see her?

1. The Prime Minister came here last January.
2. He serves tea at 8 am.
3. The driver drives the car at night.
4. The election took place in April.
5. I saw the man two days ago.
6. I visited there early in the morning.

Pages: Where Why What Who Whom When How Which Whose
