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Antonyms for non-credit (Section-5)


প্রতিশব্দ হচ্ছে এমন শব্দ যার বিপরীত অর্থ আছে।

Given wordবাংলা অর্থAntomymSentence
Enmityশত্র“তাFriendshipI have friendship with him.
Failureব্যর্থতাSuccessSuccess depends on hard labour.
Fakeভ‚য়াRealThe story is real.
Falseমিথ্যাTrueThe news is true.
Famousবিখ্যাতNotoriousHe is a notorious thief.
FarদূরNearThe station is near our house.
Fertileউর্বরBarrenThe land is barren.
Flexibleনমনীয়RigidHe is a rigid man.
Freedomস্বাধীনতাCaptivityNo one likes captivity.
Friendবন্ধুEnemyYou are not my enemy.
Friendlyবন্ধুত্বপূর্ণEnemityI have no enemity with him.
Frugalমিতব্যয়ীExtravaganceWe should not be extravagant.
Futileব্যর্থSuccessfulYou are a successful man.
GenerouslyউদারভাবেMiserlyHe is miserly.
HappyসুখীSorrowfulThe incident is sorrowful.

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