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'Of Marriage and Single Life' by Francis Bacon; Brief-answer Questions

Of Marriage and Single Life

by Francis Bacon

1. Who are hostages to fortune?

Ans: According to Bacon, “he that hath wife and children hath given hostages to fortune.”

2. Why is married man hostage to the fortune? [NU 2014]

Ans: A married man is hostage to the fortune because his wife and children "are impediments to great enterprises, either of virtue or mischief".  

3. What is the fate of a married person according to Bacon?

Ans: A married person is controlled by Fate. He has, as if, given hostages to fortune.

4. What is 'Single Life'?

Ans: ‘Single life” means unmarried or bachelor life. 

5. What happens to the single persons?

Ans: A single person thinks the future to be irrelevant and all his thinking centers round himself.

6. How do people leading a single life consider family life?

Ans: People leading a single life consider family life nothing but bill of charges.

7. How are the chaste women?

Ans: The chaste women are proud of their chastity and are headstrong in nature.

8. Who should get marry?

Ans: According to Bacon, “A young man not yet, an elder man not at all”.

9. When, according to Bacon, should a man marry? [NU 2012]

Ans: According to Bacon, a young man should not marry now and an elder man should not marry at all.

10. What does Bacon say about wife?

Ans: Bacon says about wife that she plays the role of a mistress to a young husband, a companion for a middle aged husband and a nurse to an old man.

11. What are the three roles played by a wife in different stages of life? [NU 2015]

Ans: The three roles played by a wife in different stages of life are: 
     i. a mistress to a young husband, 
     ii. a companion for a middle aged husband and 
     iii. a nurse to an old man

12. What is the most ordinary cause of a single life? [NU 2013, 2015]

Ans: The most ordinary cause of a single life is personal liberty. 

13. Why the single men are cruel and hard hearted?

Ans: The single men are cruel and hard hearted because their tenderness is not so often called upon.

14. Why is not an unmarried man a good citizen? [NU 2015]

Ans: According to Bacon, an unmarried man is not a good citizen because he is “light to run away’ and turn into a fugitive.

15. Why are married persons more reliable than single ones?

Ans: Married persons are more reliable than single ones because the single ones are “light to run away”. 

16. Write the advantages of an unmarried person as shown by Bacon.

Ans: The advantages of an unmarried person as shown by Bacon include his liberty, his capability to do good for the people, his capability to be a good master or a good friend etc.  

17. What should a young man do before his marriage?

Ans: A young man should think seriously before his marriage.
