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'When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed' by Walt Whitman: brief-answer questions

When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed

by Walt Whitman

1. For whom the song elegy is paying tribute to?

Ans: The song is a tribute to Abraham Lincoln.

2. How did the lilac bush look?

Ans: The lilac bush looked tall-growing; with heart-shaped leaves of rich green, with many a pointed blossom, rising, delicate, with the perfume the poet loved very much.

3. How does the poet describe the bird in ‘When Lilacs Last at my Dooryard Bloomed’?

Ans: The poet describe the bird to be solitary like the hermit who has withdrawn himself from human compaby and settlement.

4. What is the time setting of the poem ‘When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed’?

Ans: April is the time setting of the poem ‘When Lilacs Last at My Dooryard Bloomed’.

5. What are the major symbols in the poem "When Lilacs Last in The Dooryard Bloom'd?"

Ans: The major symbols in the poem "When Lilacs Last in The Dooryard Bloom'd” are the lilac, the great star, and the hermit thrush.

6. What did the poet when lilacs bloomed last in his dooryard?


7. What did Walt Whitman do when lilacs bloomed last in his dooryard?

Ans: When lilacs bloomed last in his dooryard, the poet mourned.

8. What did Whitman do when lilacs bloomed last in his dooryard?

Ans: When lilacs bloomed last in his dooryard, Whitman mourned.

9. What does lilac symbolize?

Ans: Lilac symbolizes love.

10. What does the lilac-bush look like? [NU 2014]

Ans: The lilac bush looked tall-growing; with heart-shaped leaves of rich green, with many a pointed blossom, rising, delicate, with the perfume the poet loved very much.

11. What does the poet ask his gray-brown bird to do?

Ans: The poet asks the gray-brown bird to sing human song loudly with voice of uttermost woe.

12. What does the poet give to the coffin?

Ans: The poet gives a sprig of lilac to the coffin.

13. What does the poet offer to the coffin of Lincoln? [NU 2014, 2016]

Ans: The poet offers a sprig of lilac to the coffin of Lincoln.

14. What does the song is the thrush singing?

Ans: The thrush is singing the ‘Song of the bleeding throat, Death’s outlet song of life.’

15. What does Walt Whitman ask his body and soul to do?

Ans: Walt Whitman asks his body and soul to see the beauties of Manhattan spires as well as the shores of the Ohio and the Missouri rivers — all "the varied and ample land."

16. What does Whitman call the thrush?

Ans: Whitman calls the thrush brother.

17. What is "Leaves of Grass"?

Ans: ‘Leaves of Grass’ is a poetry collection by the American poet Walt Whitman.

18. What is an elegy? [NU 2013, 2016]

Ans: Elegy is a sad poem, written to praise and express sorrow for someone who is dead.

19. What is Lilac?

Ans: Lilac, commonly known as Syringa, is a deciduous flowering woody plant that is often used in landscaping in the garden to create a natural fence.

20. What is meant by "Trinity' in "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d "?

Ans: In "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d" the word “trinity” means (i) lilac blooming perennially, (ii) drooping star in the west and (iii) the thought of the person whom the poet loves.

21. What is mysticism?

Ans: “Mysticism” means the aim at the "union with the Absolute, the Infinite, or God"

22. What is the color of lilac flowers?

Ans: The color of lilac flowers is pale violet or light purple.

23. What kind of song is the trush singing?

Ans: The thrush is singing the ‘Song of the bleeding throat, Death’s outlet song of life.’

24. What shall Whitman mourn for 'with ever-returning spring'?

Ans: Whitman shall mourn 'with ever-returning spring' for the trinity of the blooming lilac, drooping star and the thought of Abraham Lincoln.

25. What type of elegy is "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed"?

Ans: "When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloomed” is a pastoral elegy.

26. What type of song is the thrush singing?

Ans: The thrush is singing a song which is an expression of its inmost grief. It sings "death's outlet song of life."

27. What will the poet Whitman hang on the chamber walls of the burial house of the dead person?

Ans: On the chamber walls of the burial house of the dead person the poet Whitman will hang pictures of nature and all the scenes of life.

28. Who is dark mother in "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d "?

Ans: Death is the dark mother in "When Lilacs Last in the Door-yard Bloom’d "

29. Why does the poet call grass as ‘hoary grass’? [NU 2015]

Ans: The poet calls grass as "hoary grass" to express the uselessness of grass compared with the highly valuable apples.

30. Why does Whitman say that there is a miracle with every leaf of the lilac bush?

Ans: Whitman says that there is a miracle with every leaf of the lilac bush because each leaf is heart shaped and rich green in colour.

31. Who killed Abraham Lincoln?

Ans: John Wilkes Booth, the well-known stage actor, killed Abraham Lincoln.

32. Who walked with the poet as his companions?

Ans: The knowledge of death and the thought of death walked with the poet as his companions.

33. Whom did the gray brown bird receive?

Ans: The gray brown bird received the poet, the knowledge of death and the thought of death.

34. Why does Whitman call the bird his brother?

Ans: Whitman calls the bird his brother because it sings loud human song with voice of uttermost woe.

35. How was the poet affected by the song of the bird?

Ans: The song of the bird affected the poet so much that he became spellbound and the voice of his spirit tallied the song of the bird.

36. What can the speaker feel?

Ans: The speaker can feel the mourners pacing back and front.

37. What did he see at an "unearthly height"?

Ans: He saw a luminary clock at an "unearthly height".

38. What does the poet ask his body and soul to do?

Ans: The poet asks his body and soul to see the beauties of Manhattan spires as well as the shores of the Ohio and the Missouri rivers — all "the varied and ample land."

39. Where did the carol of the bird come from?

Ans: The carol of the bird came from three places: the deep secluded recesses, the fragrant cedars, and the ghostly pines.

40. Why was the poet sorry?

Ans: The poet was sorry because he could not travel both road.

41. How does Whitman welcome death? [NU 2013, 2015]

Ans: Whitman welcomes death by chanting a song of reception for death.
