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'Spring and Fall' by Gerard Manley Hopkins; Brief-answer Questions

Spring and Fall

by Gerard Manley Hopkins

1. What is the source of mankind's sorrow in Hopkin's "Spring and Fall"? [NU 2014]

Ans: The first disobedience or original sin is the source of mankind's sorrow in Hopkin's "Spring and Fall".

2. What is the meaning of Spring in "Spring and Fall"?

Ans: In the poem “Spring and Fall”, "spring" means both the season of growth and the Garden of Eden.

3. What is the meaning of 'Fall' used in the title?

Ans: The meaning of 'Fall' used in the title ‘Spring and Fall’ is decay followed by death.

4. What does the poet advice the child in "Spring and Fall"?

Ans: The poet advises the child in "Spring and Fall" not to be sorry for the falling of leaves.

5. Who was Margaret? [NU 2015]

Ans: Margaret is the name of a young girl to whom the speaker in "Spring and Fall" was talking.

6. Why is Margaret crying? [NU 2013]

Ans: Margaret is crying seeing the shedding of the leaves of Goldengrove.

7. Why is the forest described as Goldengrove?

Ans: The forest is described as Goldengrove because the leaves of trees of this forest are golden in autumn.

8. With what the fallen leaves are compared?

Ans: The fallen leaves are compared with the “things of man” or human affairs. 

9. What is Original Sin?

Ans: Original Sin is the sin committed by Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden by disobeying God. 

10. What is the source of mankind's sorrow?

Ans: The first disobedience or original sin is the source of mankind's sorrow. 

11. 'It is the blight man was born for'- What does 'the blight' refer to?

Ans: ‘The blight’ refers to the sad and painful consequences of the original sin. That means, man was given penalty of death for his sin. 
