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Brief question answer from 'Lion and the Jewel' Part-2

Lion and the Jewel

Wole Soyinka

16. What does the name 'Ilujinle' mean?
Ans: The name ‘Ilujinle’ means deep or distance village.
17. Who is the madman of Ilujinle?
Ans: Lakunle is the madman to the people of Ilujinle.
18. What is Odan?
Ans: Odan is the name of a tree.
19. Who is called bale in 'The Lion and the Jewel'? 
Ans: Baroka is called bale in 'The Lion and the Jewel'.
20. Who is 'true village belle’?
Ans: Sidi is 'true village belle’.
21. How old is Baroka as mentioned in the play?
Ans: Baroka, as mentioned in the play, is 62 years old.
22. What is Lakunle’s future plan?
Ans: Lakunle’s future plan is to abolish bride-price and modernize the village with introducing motor road through the town and bringing it to Ilujinle.
23. How old is Lakunle?
Ans: Lakunle is about twenty three years old. 
24. What is ‘unwomanly’ to Lakunle?
Ans: Using head for carrying load is ‘unwomanly’ to Lakunle. 
26. How does Lakunle consider himself to be a Christ figure? [NU 2017]
Ans: Lakunle consider himself to be a Christ figure in that both he and Christ were rejected by their own people.
27. What is bride price?
Ans: Bride-price is the money or property which is given to the family of the bride by the bridegroom.
28. What is Lakunle’s attitude to bride price?
Ans: Lakunle disdains the custom of paying bride-price. He considers it to be a barbaric, accursed, and humiliating practice. 
29. Why does Sidi disagree to marry Lakunle?
Ans: Sidi disagrees to marry Lakunle because of her loss of virginity.
30. What is Lakunle's future plan about Ilujinle?
Ans: Lakunle’s future plan about Ilujinle is to abolish bride-price and modernize the village by introducing motor road through the town and bringing it to Ilujinle.
