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'The Definition of Love' by Andrew Marvel; Brief-answer Questions

The Definition of Love

by Andrew Marvel

1. What kind of poem is ‘The Definition of Love’?

Ans: ‘The Definition of Love’ is a metaphysical poem.

2. What is the central theme of the poem "The Definition of Love"?

Ans: The central theme of the poem "The Definition of Love" is Platonic love where the lover and the beloved are mentally united but physically separated. 

3. What does the poem "Definition of Love" tell us about the poet's desire?

Ans: The poem "Definition of Love" tells us about the poet's desire to unite with his beloved by cramping the world into a plane.  

4. What is the nature of the poet's love in the poem 'The Definition of Love'?

Ans: The nature of the poet’s love is that it “is the conjunction of the mind, / And opposition of the stars.”

5. How is the poet's love begotten in the poem “The Definition of Love”? [NU 2015, 2017]

Ans: According to the poet, his love is begotten by despair and impossibility. Despair is the father and impossibility is the mother of this love.

6. What is the significance of "Magnanimous Despair"? [NU 2016]

Ans: The significance of "Magnanimous Despair" is that only it can produce the kind of love the poet has for his beloved.  

7. How does the poet express his utter frustration in love in "The Definition of Love"?

Ans: In "The Definition of Love" the poet expresses his utter frustration in love as “Magnanimous Despair”.

8. How does Marvell paint 'Fate' in The Definition of Love?

Ans: In “The Definition of Love” Marvell paints 'Fate' as a jealous and tyrannical identity who inserts iron wedges between lovers and ensures their physical separation.

9. How does Fate control the love of two perfect lovers according to the opinion of the poet?

Ans: According to the poet, Fate controls the love of two perfect lovers by putting ‘iron wages’ between them so that they cannot come close to each other and be united.

10. What is the role of Fate in “The Definition of Love"?

Ans: Fate plays the role of an antagonist in “The Definition of Love".

11. What does 'oblique' love signify in ‘The Definition of Love’?

Ans: In ‘The Definition of Love’, 'Oblique' love means the love in which the faith of the lovers strengthens the love and makes the circle of love accurate.

12. Define love according to Marvell?

Ans: According to Marvell, love “Is the conjunction of the mind, / And opposition of the stars”.

13. What does Marvell mean by 'the conjunction of the mind'?

Ans: By 'the conjunction of the mind', Marvell means the union of the minds of the lover and the beloved.

14. ‘Where my extended soul is fixed’– who is the speaker?

Ans: The speaker of the extract ‘Where my extended soul is fixed’ is an anonymous lover who contemplates the nature and definition of love.

15. What is the role of hope in the poet's love affair?

Ans: In the poet's love affair Hope proves to be feeble or weak. Hope promised the fulfilment of the poet’s love but its effort was futile.

16. What kind of literary device is "Magnanimous Despair"? [NU 2015]

Ans: "Magnanimous Despair" is the example of an oxymoron.
