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Brief Question Answer from 'The Immortality Ode' by William Wordsworth

The Immortality Ode

1. What is the full title of “The Immorality Ode”? 
Ans: The full title of “The Immortality Ode” is Ode: Imitations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood.
2. What are the themes of the poem Immortality Ode?
Ans: The major themes of the poem Immortality Ode are the pre-existence of human soul, the splendor of childhood and the power of the human mind.
3. What is the tabor?
Ans: The tabor is a small drum, mentioned in the poem “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” by William Wordsworth.
4. How does Wordsworth address the child?
Ans: Wordsworth addresses the child as "Might Prophet, Seer Blest!"
5. What does "May" stand for?
Ans: "May" stands for spring, for beauty and merry-making. 
6. Who is the child of joy?
Ans: The happy shepherd boy in the poem “Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” by William Wordsworth is the child of joy.
7. What does "the visionary gleam" mean?
Ans: "The visionary gleam" means the glow of the childhood days. 
8. What are the stages of life mentioned in "The Immortality Ode"?
Ans: The stages of life mentioned in The Immortality Ode are infancy, boyhood, youth and manhood.
9. Who is a six years' Darling of a pigmy size?
Ans: Hartley Coleridge in particular and every child in general are individually a  six years' Darling of a pigmy size. 
10. What is Wordsworth's idea of pre-natal existence?
Ans: According to Wordsworth, birth is the process through which children come to this world straight from the presence of God, retain some of that heavenliness about them and can remember bits of that existence before birth. 
11. Why does heaven lies about us in our infancy?
Ans: In our infancy we are surrounded by the glory of heaven. So, heaven lies about us in our infancy.
12. Whom does Wordsworth address in 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality'?
Ans: In 'Ode: Intimations of Immortality' Wordsworth addresses a shepherd boy in the fourth stanza.
