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A complete question for Compulsory English

Honours 2nd Year Model Test with answer

Subject : English (Compulsory)
Time : 3.00 hours,                      Full marks : 100
[The figures in the right margin indicate full marks.]

Part-A (Marks-20)

1.  Read the passage and answer the questions follow :

Good manners form an important part of our education. Man's education remains incomplete if he does not learn good manners. In our behavior with others, we must show proper respect to them. We should show respect to our superiors and civility to our inferiors and equals. A sense of propriety is necessary for a cultural and disciplined society. Again good manners cost us nothing. They are very often the result of good sense and good nature.

There is no fixed standard of manners. Manners very from one country to another. What is regarded as good manners in our country may not be so in other countries. To shake one by the hand is common in western countries but it is not so in the east. Similarly, smoking before the superiors is frowned upon in our country but it is not so in the west.

Manners should be learnt in childhood at home. Childhood is the best time when good manners can be best learnt and home is the place where manners can be best imbibed. Though good breeding helps man to acquire good manners, the influence of parents and superiors is the most decisive in this respect.

The importance of good manners in life is great indeed. Good manners win love and respect for a man and help him in life. Everyone likes a man of good manners and is glad to help him. Really, a man of good manners is a gentleman in the true sense of the term.

বঙ্গানুবাদ: সদাচরণ আমাদের শিক্ষার একটি গুরুতুপূর্ণ অংশ ৷ মানুষ যদি সদাচার না শিখে, তাহলে তার শিক্ষা অসম্পূর্ণ থেকে যায় ৷ অন্যদের প্রতি আমাদের ব্যবহারে, তাদের প্রতি যথার্থ সম্মান দেখানো আমাদের কর্তব্য ৷ অন্যদের প্রতি আচরণে আমাদের একটি সৌজন্যবােধ থাকা উচিত ৷ আমাদের উচিত বড়দের প্রতি সম্মান দেখানো এবং ছেটিদের ও সমকক্ষদের প্রতি শিষ্টতা দেখানো ৷ একটি পরিশীলিত ও শৃঙ্খলিত সমাজের জন্য যথার্থবােধের প্রয়োজন ৷ আবার, সদাচরণের জন্য আমাদের কোন অর্থ ব্যয় করতে হয় না; প্রায়শই এটি উৎপন্ন হয় বিবেচনা ও উত্তম স্বভাব থেকে ৷

     আচরণের জন্য নির্ধারিত কোন মানদণ্ড নেই ৷ দেশ থেকে দেশান্তরে এটি বিভিন্ন রকমের হয়ে থাকে ৷ আমাদের দেশে যা সদাচার বলে গণ্য করা হয় অন্যান্য দেশে তা নাও হতে পারে ৷ পাশ্চাত্য দেশে করমর্দন একটি সাধারণ ব্যাপার, কিন্তু প্রাচ্য দেশে এটা তেমন নয় ৷ সেরূপ, মূরুব্বিদের সামনে ধুমপান করাকে আমাদের দেখে ভালো দৃষ্টিতে দেখা হয় না ৷ কিন্তু পাশ্চাত্য দেশে এটি এরকম নয় ৷

     আচার-আচরণ শৈশবকালে বাসগৃহে শিখতে হয় ৷ শৈশবকালই সদাচার শেখার সর্বোৎকৃষ্ট সময় এবং বসতবাড়িই উৎকৃষ্ট স্থান ৷ অভিজাত পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহণ এবং সদাচার একই জিনিস নয়, তবে অভিজাত পরিবারে জন্মগ্রহণ এটা শিখতে সাহায্য করে ৷ এ ব্যাপারে মাতাপিতার এবং গুরুজনের প্রভাবই সবচেয়ে বেশি মূল্যবান ৷ বস্তুত যার মধ্যে সদাচার আছে তিনিই প্রকৃত ভদ্রলোক ৷ প্রকৃতপক্ষে জীবনে সদাচরণের গুরুত্ব অপরিসীম ৷ সদাচরণ মানুষের ভালোবাসা ও শ্রদ্ধা আদায় করে এবং জীবনে উন্নতি লাভে সহায়তা দান করে ৷ তাকে প্রত্যেকেই পছন্দ করে এবং সাহায্য করতে পারলে সুখী হয় ৷ প্রকৃতপক্ষে একজন মার্জিত ব্যক্তি নিখাদ ভদ্রলোক ৷

a.     i. What do you understand by good manners?    
        ii. What is importance of good manners in life?
        iii. How should we behave with others?

(i) Good manners mean polite or well-bred social behaviour.
(ii) The importance of good manners in life is that a man with good manners wins love and respect from others.
(iii) We should show respect to our superiors and civility to our inferiors and equals. 

b.  What is the main idea and what are the supporting ideas of the passage?

b.  Main idea
     Cultivating good manners is a part of our education.
 Supporting ideas
    i. Family members play a vital role in teaching good manners.
    ii. There is no fixed standard for good manners as it varies from country to country.
    iii. Childhood is the best time for learning good manners. 

c.  Give meanings of the following words in English and make your own sentences with the given words (any five) :                             

        (i) inferior, (ii) regard, (iii) imbibe, (iv) breeding, (v) propriety, (vi) standard.

     (i) inferior (substandard) – Your phone is inferior to mine.
     (ii) regard (respect) – We regard him as a teacher.
     (iii) imbibe (absorb) – He has imbibed the food habits of England.
     (iv) propriety (modesty) – He always behaved with utmost propriety.
     (vi) standard (normal) – The shirt is not standard.

d.  Write a summary of the passage.

d. Summary: Cultivating good manners is a part of our education. Good manners mean showing respect to the seniors and love to the juniors and the equals. There is no fixed standard for good manners as it varies from country to country. Family members play a vital role in teaching good manners. The best time for learning good manners is the childhood. 

 2. Correct the following sentences (any five) :
     a. One should do his duty.
     b. It is raining for a week.
     c. He speaks English like English.
     d. Wait here until I do not come.
     e. This is more preferable than that.
     f. Scarcely had he reached the station than the bell ring.
     g. Five of the thieves escaped and two caught.

     a. One should do one’s duty.
     b. It has been raining for a week.
     c. He speaks English like the English.
     d. Wait here until I come.
     e. This is preferable to that.
     f. Scarcely had he reached the station than the bell rang.
     g. Five of the thieves escaped and two were caught.

3.  Suppose, you are the principal of a college. The college will remain closed from 15th July to 31st July for summer vacation. Now, write a notice.

Or,  Write a poster to raise public awareness against corruption.

4.  Write a paragraph on any one of the following :
     a. Qualities of a good student.
     b. Terrorism,
     c. Your college.

5.  Write an application with a resume to the principal of a college for the post of a lecturer.

6.  Write an essay on any one of the following :
     a. Uses and abuses of satellite TV channels,
     b. The beauty of rural Bangladesh,
     c. Globalization.

7.  Rearrange the words to make sensible sentences (any five) :
     a. he moment a never for single stops.
     b. is like gipsy time a man.
     c. time should utilize our we properly.
     d. lies in contentment happiness.
     e. know the motto thyself to of socrates was.
     f. better serve heaven hell to in reign than in.
     g. pairs of two shoes I bought.

     a. He never stops for a single moment.
     b. Time is like a gipsy man.
     c. We should utilize our time properly.
     d. Happiness lies in contentment.
     e. The motto of Socrates was to know thyself.
     f. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.
     g. I bought two pairs of shoes.

8.  Frame Wh-questions from the following sentences (any five):
     a. Dinajpur is famous for fine rice.
     b. The seminar was held in Chattogram.
     c. There are two students in the class.
     d. She uses the computer of her brother.
     e. He went to Dhaka to buy some books.
     f. The news made him sad.
     g. He visits his parents once a week.

     a. What is Dinajpur famous for?
     b. Where was the seminar held?
     c. How many students are there in the class?
     d. Whose computer does she use?
     e. Why did he go to Dhaka?
     f. What did make him sad?
     g. How often does he visit his parents?

9.  Use articles in the following passage 
William Wordsworth (a) ¾¾ second son of attorney at law read in (c) ¾¾ university named Cambridge. He wrote a remarkable poem on (d) ¾¾ French Revolution. (e) ¾¾ English are proud of him.

     (a) the
     (b) an/the
     (c) a/the
     (d) the
     (e) The

10. Use the write form of verbs (any five) :
     a. I wish I (sing) a song.
     b. Man (to be) mortal.
     c. He as well as his friends (be) selfish.
     d. We are used to (eat) rice thrice a day.
     e. He (swim) now.
     f. The rose (call) the queen of flowers.
     g. If you had studied regularly, you (pass) the exam.

     a. sang
     b. is
     c. is
     d. eating
     e. is swimming
     f. is called
     g. could have passed

11. Punctuate and capitalize the following passage :     
angling is my hobby whenever i get time i go on angling on last saturday i went to a big lake near my village i took an angling rod bait an umbrella a towel light refreshment and some other necessary stuffs

Angling is my hobby. Whenever I get time, I go on angling. On last Saturday I went to a big lake near my village. I took an angling rod bait, an umbrella, a towel, light refreshment and some other necessary stuffs.

12. Write down the antonyms of the following words and make sentences with them (any five) : 

 (a) notorious, (b) allow, (c) happy, (d) eligible, (e) dry, (f) beautiful, (g) high.

     Notorious - famous : He is a  famous poet.
     Allow - disallow : They have disallowed our appeal.
     Happy - unhappy : She is very unhappy.
     Eligible – unacceptable – The crime that you have committed is unacceptable.
     Dry – wet – The weather is wet today.
     Beautiful – ugly – They made her face ugly by thronging acid. 
     High – low – He belongs to a low family.

 13. Change the following words as directed in the bracket and make sentences with the changed words (any five) :

   white (verb), sure (verb), disgrace (adjective), courage (adjective), know (noun), differentiate (noun), wise (noun)

    white (verb) – whiten : Toothpest whitens teeth.
    sure (verb) – ensure : Ensure your safety first.
    disgrace (adjective) – disgraceful – He did something disgraceful.
    courage (adjective) – courageous – He is very courageous.
    know (noun) – knowledge – Knowledge is power.
    differentiate (noun) – difference – There is no difference between these two.
    wise (noun) - wisdom – He is a man of great wisdom.

14. Translate in English :
সততা একটি মহৎ গুণ। এই গুণসম্পন্ন ব্যক্তি সৌভাগ্যবান। সবাই তাকে সম্মান করে। কেউ তাকে ঘৃণা করে না। এমনকি একজন অসৎ লোকও তাকে সম্মান না করে পারে না। পরিচ্ছন্ন বিবেকসম্পন্ন হওয়াতে তিনি মনের শান্তি উপভোগ করে থাকেন।

Honesty is a great virtue. A man having this virtue is fortunate. Everybody respects him. None hates him. Even a dishonest person cannot dishonor him. He enjoys the peace of mind because of having clear conscience.


  1. True alse Socrates was a great philosopher true false

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