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Brief question answer from 'As You Like It' Part-2

As You Like It

William Shakespeare

16. Who is Adam?
Ans: Adam is the old servant of Sir Rownald de Boys
17. Who is Rosalind? 
Ans: Rosalind is the daughter of Duke Senior.
18. Who is Celia? / Whose daughter is Celia? [NU 2017]
Ans: Celia is the daughter of Duke Frederick and the dearest friend of Rosalind.
19. Who is Silvius?
Ans: Silvius is a young, suffering shepherd, who is desperately in love with the disdainful Phebe.
20. Who is Phebe? 
Ans: Phebe is the shepherdess who falls in love with Ganymede and with whom Silvius is in love.
21. Who is Touchstone?  
Ans: Touchstone is the professional fool. He is also the professional jester of Duke Fredrick’s court.
22. Who is Audrey?
Ans: Audrey is a simpleminded goatherd who agrees to marry Touchstone.
23. Who was Jane Smile?
Ans: Jane Smile is a milkmaid with chapped hands. 
24. Who is William?
Ans: William is a young country boy who is in love with Audrey
25. Who is Amiens? 
Ans: Amiens is a lord attending on the exiled Duke.
26. Who is Jaques?
Ans: Jaques is a faithful lord who accompanies Duke Senior into exile in the Forest of Arden. 
27. Who is Corin?
Ans: Corin is an old shepherd and a native of Arden.
28. Write the names of the four couples from As You Like It.
Ans: The four couples from As You Like It are Rosalind and Orlando, Celia and Oliver, Phebe and Silvius, and Audrey and Touchstone.
29. What is the name of Orlando's father?
Ans: The name of Orlando’s father is Sir Rowland de Bois.
30. Who is the old servant of Sir Rownald de Boys?
Ans: Adam is the old servant of Sir Rownald de Boys.
