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Discuss the role and function of chorus in "Oedipus Rex".

 Discuss the role and function of chorus in "Oedipus Rex".

In the play "Oedipus Rex," the chorus plays a significant role in both the narrative and the structure of the play. The chorus is a group of characters who provide commentary and insight on the events of the play, often serving as a bridge between the audience and the action of the play. The chorus serves two purposes in the play. The first is to give a narrative perspective on the events of the play, as if one were watching from outside the action. The second is to comment on the actions of the characters, and to take the role of an observer. It is this second function that is most important when considering how the chorus serves Oedipus. As a chorus of Thebes, they are appropriately sympathetic to Oedipus. They know his story and his deeds, but they cannot be said to know him in the way that Jocasta does.

One of the primary functions of the chorus in "Oedipus Rex" is to provide historical and cultural context for the events of the play. The chorus is made up of citizens of Thebes, the city in which the play is set, and as such, they are familiar with the history and traditions of their city. They often provide information about the background of the play, such as the story of the Sphinx and the curse that has befallen Thebes. This helps to situate the events of the play within a larger historical and cultural context, making the story more meaningful and relevant to the audience.

In addition to providing historical and cultural context, the chorus also serves as a foil to the main characters of the play. While the main characters are driven by their own desires and motivations, the chorus represents the voice of the community and the collective wisdom of the people. They often offer counsel and advice to the main characters, and their perspective helps to balance out the more individualistic views of the main characters.

The chorus also plays a role in the structure of the play. The chorus is usually present on stage throughout the play, and their presence helps to create a sense of continuity and unity. The chorus also serves as a transitional element, moving the action of the play forward and bridging the gap between different scenes, events and different episodes. Choral odes often accompany the appearance of a new character or the entrance of some important element into that scene, and they are also used to mark significant transitions in the development of the plot.

In "Oedipus Rex," the chorus is made up of a group of old men who have lived through the events that have befallen Thebes. They are deeply concerned about the fate of their city and are eager to find a solution to the problems that have plagued them. Throughout the play, the chorus serves as a sounding board for Oedipus and the other characters, offering their thoughts and observations on the events of the play. They are also the ones who provide the audience with important background information about Oedipus' background and his family. In "Oedipus Rex," Sophocles uses many different rhetorical devices to add emotional intensity to the play.

One of the most important functions of the chorus in "Oedipus Rex" is to provide a moral and ethical perspective on the events of the play. As the chorus is made up of wise and respected members of the community, their opinions carry a great deal of weight. They often offer counsel and guidance to the main characters, encouraging them to make wise and moral decisions. The chorus also serves as a mouthpiece for the audience, often discussing issues that may have been unspoken but still very important to the people of Thebes. An example of this is the chorus' constant praise and admiration of Oedipus.

In addition to providing a moral and ethical perspective, the chorus also serves as a source of comfort and support for the main characters. As the action of the play becomes increasingly intense and dramatic, the chorus provides a sense of stability and continuity, helping to ground the main characters and the audience in the reality of the play. The Chorus as a Play Within a Play. The chorus often acts as if it is part of the play, with all of its members taking on the roles of specific characters.

Overall, the role of the chorus in "Oedipus Rex" is to provide historical and cultural context, serve as a foil to the main characters, and offer a moral and ethical perspective on the events of the play. Through their commentary and insights, the chorus helps to enrich the meaning and significance of the play, and their presence helps to create a sense of unity and continuity throughout the action of the play.
