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'Speech on East India Bill' by Edmund Burke; Brief-answer Questions

Speech on East India Bill

by Edmund Burke

1. What kind of literary piece is “Speech on the East India Bill”?

Ans: “Speech on the East India Bill” is an oratory.

2. Who drafted and introduced the "East India Bill"? [NU 2014]

Ans: Charles James Fox drafted and introduced the 'East India Bill'.

3. Who motioned East India Bill?

Ans: Fox motioned or formally proposed East India Bill.

4. Who was Edmund Burke? [NU 2016]

Ans: Edmund Burke was an Anglo-Irish statesman and political philosopher. He is a well-known orator and author.

5. What was the position of Burke during the Tory administration of William Pitt the younger?

Ans: Burke was in the opposition during the Tory administration of William Pitt the younger.

6. When did Burke deliver his famous “Speech on Fox's East India Bill”? [NU 2014, 2017]

Ans: Burke delivered his famous Speech on Fox's “East India Bill” on 1st December 1783.

7. What was the main target of Burke's 'Speech on the East India Bill'? [NU 2016]

Ans: The main target of Burke's 'Speech on the East India Bill' was the abuses of East India Company’s authority in India.

8. To whom, according to Burke, was East India Company supposed to be accountable?

Ans: According to Burke, the East India Company was supposed to be accountable to the Parliament.

9. What was generally considered as Burke’s greatest political error?

Ans: Burke’s support to Fox-North’s coalition government was generally considered his greatest political error.

10. Why did Edmund Burke lose his seat in the Parliament?

Ans: Edmund Burke lost his seat in the Parliament because his support for free trade with Ireland and his advocacy of Catholic emancipation made him unpopular in the constituency.

11. What were the charges in the Bill brought against Warren Hastings?

Ans: The charges that were brought against Warren Hastings are given below:
i. making unjustified demands on the ruler of Benares in order to cover the financial needs of the Company during wartime and thus provoking him to revolt
ii. recovering the ruler’s debt to the company by robbing his mother and grandmother, the famous Begums of Oudh, in a brutal way
iii. accepting bribes for the Company
iv. contracts made by the Company with traders and personnel on extreme terms.

12. What is called the chartered rights of man?

Ans: The chartered rights of man refer to the natural rights of mankind.

13. What is magna-Carta? [NU 2012, 2015]

Ans: Magna-Carta is a charter agreed by King John of England at Runnymede on 15 June 1215.

14. What is East India Charter? [NU 2016]

Ans: East India Charter was an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which renewed the charter issued to the British East India Company, and continued the Company's rule in India.

15. How was the East India Company formed?

Ans: East India Company was formed by the Charter of the Parliament of the United Kingdom which renewed the charter issued to the British East India Company.

16. When did the East India Company achieve sovereign rights?

Ans: The East India Company achieved sovereign rights during the reign of Charles II.

17. When and where did East India Company set its first Trading posts in India? [NU 2013]

Ans: The East India Company set its first Trading posts in Surat in 1619, Madras in 1639, Bombay in 1668, and Calcutta in 1690. Another source says that the first factory of British East India Company was established in Masulipatnam in 1611.

18. Who is the first Governor-General of India? [NU 2017]

Ans: Warren Hastings was the first governor-general of India.

19. Who is Warren Hastings?

Ans: Warren Hastings was the first Governor-General of India.

20. What sort of boys came to rule India according to Burke?

Ans: The boys who came to rule India were worse than the boys who were whipped at school.

21. Who was Hafiz Rahmat?

Ans: Hafiz Rahmat Khan was Regent of Rohilkhand in North India from 1749 to 1774.

22. How was Hafiz Rahamat Khan killed?

Ans: Hafiz Rahamat Khan was beheaded.

23. Who was Faizullah Khan?

Ans: Syed Faizullah Khan was the first Nawab of Rampur.

24. Who was Rajah Cheit Sing?

Ans: Rajah Cheit Sing was the zemindar of the province of Benares.

25. What is Benares?

Ans: Benares is a city on the banks of the Ganges in Uttar Pradesh, North India.

26. Who was Mahomed Reza?

Ans: Mahomed Reza was distinguished by the ill-omened honour of the countenance and the protection of the Court of Directors.  

27. Who was the Nabob of Farruckabad?

Ans: The Nabob of Farruckabad was Muzafar Jang.

28. How was Rajah Nundcomar killed?

Ans: Rajah Nundcomar was hanged in the face of the entire nation for a fake crime. 

29. What was the basis of the treaty with Hyder Ali?

Ans: Evasion and fraud were the basis of treaty with Hyder Ali. 

30. To whom did the company sell Nabob of Arcot?

Ans: The company sold the Nabob of Arcot himself and his lawful succession to his second son, Amir ul Omrah.

31. Why did the East India Company sell the two districts under Mogul Kingdom?

Ans: The East India Company sold the two districts under Mogul Kingdom to pay a yearly tribute of 260000 Pounds.

32. What was the area of the state Oude?

Ans: The area of the state Oude is 53,286 square miles.

33. How were the two Begums of Oudh maltreated by a body of British troops?

Ans: The two Begums of Oudh were maltreated in that they were accused of rebellion; their lands were seized and confiscated; their jewels were put on auction and bought at a very low price. 

34. What is the area of the country Carnatic?

Ans: The area of the country Carnatic is larger than England. It is 65,948 square miles.

35. Whom did the company set up for auction?

Ans: The company set up the whole nobility, gentry and freeholders for auction.

36. Why was the judicial system in Bengal changed?

Ans: The judicial system in Bengal changed under the pretense for new extortions of money.

37. What is allusion?

Ans: Allusion is a brief and indirect reference to a person, place, thing or idea of historical, cultural, literary or political significance.
