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'Silas Marner' by George Eliot brief questions and answer

Silas Marner

George Eliot

1. What is the real name of George Eliot? [NU 2016]

Ans: The real name of George Eliot is Mary Anne Evans.

2. What is the full title of the novel “Silas Marner”?

Ans: The full title of the novel “Silas Marner” is “Silas Marner: The Weaver of Raveloe”.  

3. What is the point of view of the novel "Silas Marner"?

Ans: The novel "Silas Marner" is narrated from omniscient third-person point of view. 

4. What is the setting of “Silas Marner”?

Ans: The setting of “Silas Marner” is Raveloe.

5. What is Raveloe?

Ans: Raveloe is a fictional village in the English countryside where Marner settled after fleeing from Lantern Yard. It is a place of lazy plenty, pints at the local tavern, and carefree religion on Sundays.

6. What kind of novel is 'Silas Marner'? 

Ans: 'Silas Marner' is a novel of manners.

7. Who is Silas Marner?

Ans: Silas Marner, a linen-weaver, is the protagonist of the novel “Silas Marner”.

8. Whom did Silas accuse of theft? 

Ans: Silas accused Jem Rodney of theft.

9. Why did Silas leave his own village?

Ans: Silas left his own village because his friend, William Dane, betrayed him.

10. Who is Eppie?

Ans: Eppie is the daughter of Godfrey, and the adopted daughter of Silas Marner.

11. Who is Eppi's biological father? 

Ans: Godfrey Cass is Eppie’s biological father.

12. Where did Eppie's wedding take place? 

Ans: Eppie's wedding took place at the Red House.

13. Who is Square Cass?

Ans: Square Cass is the father of Godfrey and Dunstan.

14. What is epigraph?

Ans: Epigraph is a short quotation set at the beginning of a text to suggest the theme of what is to come.
