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'History of English Literature' Previous Question- 2017 with Answer



Code: 221107

History of English Literature

Time: 4 hours                                                                                                                    Marks: 80

Part -A

1. Answer any ten of the following:                                                                                1 ´ 10 = 10

(a) Who was Caedmon?

      Ans: Caedmon is the first known poet of English.

(b) What is “Waiting for Godot"?

(c) Write down the names of four metaphysical poets.

(d) What is ‘comedy of humours’?

      Ans: ‘Comedy  of Humours’ is a genre of comedy that focuses on a character or range of characters, each of whom reveals two or more overriding traits or ‘humours’ that dominate their personality, desires and conduct.

(e) Name the most celebrated writing of Jonathan Swift.

      Ans: “Gulliver's Travels”.

(f) Whose poems make up “Lyrical Ballads”?

      Ans: W. Wordsworth and S.T. Coleridge jointly published The Lyrical Ballads.

(g). Who are called the “Lake Poets”?

      Ans: The poets who lived in the Lake District of England at the turn of the nineteenth century are called Lake District poets. William Wordsworth, S.T Coleridge and Robert Southey are the three main figures among them.

(h) Who was Oliver Cromwell?

      Ans: Oliver Cromwell was the Lord Protector of the Commonwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland between 1653 to1658. He was an English military. He became a political leader.

(i) What was the slogan of French Revolution?

      Ans: The slogan of the French Revolution was “Liberty, Equality and Fraternity”.

(j) Name two of the major literary creations of Edmund Spenser.

(k) What is “Pamela”?

      Ans: “Pamela; or, Virtue Rewarded” is an epistolary novel by English writer Samuel Richardson, first published in 1740.

 (l) Who wrote “Robinson Crusoe"?

      Ans: Daniel Defoe wrote the novel "Robinson Crusoe". 



Answer any five questions:                                                                                              ´ 5 = 20

2. How does Pope reflect the critical spirit of the eighteenth century?

3. Who are the University Wits?

4. Write a short note on “Stream of Consciousness”.

5. What are the characteristics of romantic poetry?

6. For what is Ben Jonson remarkable inilacobean literature?

7. Why is Blake called ‘the precursors of Romanticism’?

8. Who are the Cavalier poets? Write a note 0n the qualities of them.

9. What is ‘Oxford Movement"?


Answer any five questions:                                                                                            10 ´ 5 = 50

10. What picture of the Anglo-Saxon life do you get in “Beowulf“?

11. Why is the Elizabethan age called the golden age of English literature?

12. Discuss the general characteristics of the poetry of the Neoclassical age.

13. What age do the metaphysical poets belong to? What made them distinct poets?

14. Discuss the three stages of Chaucer‘s poetic development.

15. Write an essay on the Restoration comedy.

16. Consider Tennyson as a representative poet of the Victorian age.

17. What do you know about the major trends in modem poetry?
