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'History of English Literature' Previous Question- 2015 with Answer



Code: 221107

History of English Literature

Time: 4 hours                                                                                                                   Marks : 80

Part -A

1. Answer any ten of the following:                                                                               1 ´ 10 = 10

(a) Why is the year 1066 important in the study of English literary History?

      Ans:, The year 1066 is important in the study of English Literary History because it is the year of the Norman Conquest and the beginning of Anglo-Norman literature in England.

(b) How many tales each pilgrim had to tell in ‘The Canterbury Tales’?

      Ans: In 'The Canterbury Tales' each pilgrim had to tell four tales: two tales on the way to Canterbury and two more on the way back.

(c) What kind of book is Milton’s Areopagitica?

      Ans: Milton's 'Areopagitica' is a pamphlet having arguments for the liberty of unlicenced printing.

(d) What is Globe Theatre?

      Ans: The Globe Theatre, associated with William Shakespeare, was a theatre in London, built in 1599 by Shakespeare's playing company.

(e) Why is 1798 a landmark in the history of English Literature?

      Ans: The year 1798 is important in the study of romantic poetry for the publication of “Lyrical Ballads” by William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge.

 (f) What is “Drama of Ideas”?

      Ans: "Drama of Ideas" is a type of play in which battle of conflicting ideas is presented through the characters.

(g) When did the Restoration take place and who was restored to English Throne?

      Ans: The Restoration took place on May 29, 1660. Charles II was restored to English Throne.

(h) Which age is known as Augustan Age in English Literature?

      Ans: The first half of the 18th century in English literature is known as Augustan Age.

(i) Who are called the pioneers of English Novel?

      Ans: Richardson, Fielding, Smollett, and Sterne are called the pioneers of English novel.

(j) What was the national identity of W. B. Yeats?

      Ans: W.B Yeats was an Irish.

(k) What is Oxford Movement?

      Ans: ‘The Oxford Movement’ is a 19th century movement, centered at the University of Oxford. It sought a renewal of catholic thought and practice in opposition to the protestant.

(l) What are the two cities referred to in the Novel A Tale of Two Cities?

      Ans: The two cities referred to in the novel A Tale of Two Cities are London and Paris.



Answer any five questions:                                                                                             ´ 5 = 20

2. Write a short note on ‘Pre-Raphaelites my’.

3. What were the causes for the rise of Puritan Age?

4. Assess the contribution of Addison and Steele to the development of English prose. 5. Is Romanticism a revival or a Revolt? Give reasons for your answer.

6. What do you know about ‘Stream of Consciousness’?

7. Write a short note on “Dramatic Monologue’?

8. What were the causes for the rise of satire during the Restoration Age?

9. In what sense is John Milton a ‘Classicist’?



Answer any five questions:                                                                                           10 ´ 5 = 50

10. “Romanticism differs from C1assicism.” How?

11. What picture of 14th Century life and society do you find in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales?

12. Who were the University Wits? What was their contribution to English Drama?

13. Discuss the important characteristics of English Romanticism with reference to Wordsworth and Keats.

14. What spirits of Victorian Age do you notices in the works of Tennyson?

15. Discuss the salient features of Victorian novel with special reference to Charles Dickens and Thomas Hardy.

l6. “Yeats and Eliot represent Modern English poetry” Justify the statement.

17. Who were the Metaphysical poets? Evaluate their contribution to English poetry.
