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'Because I Could not Stop for Death' by Emily Dickinson Brief-answer Questions

Because I Could not Stop for Death

Emily Dickinson

1. What is the main theme of " Because I Could not Stop for Death"?

Ans: The main theme of " Because I Could not Stop for Death" is the acceptance of death.

2. “Because I Could not Stop for Death”-Why could not the speaker stop for death? 

Ans: The speaker could not stop for death because she was busy with her daily chores.

3. How does Death come to the poet? 

Ans: Death comes to the poet kindly and politely. 

4. Why did the speaker drive slowly in 'Because I could not stop for death'? 

Ans: In “Because I Could not Stop for Death” the speaker drove slowly because death was in a relaxed mood and she was completely at ease with him.

5. 'He kindly stopped for me'– Here, what does 'stopped' suggest?

Ans: Here the word ‘stopped’ suggests ‘waited’.  

6. How many characters are there in the lyric "Because I Could not Stop for Death”?

Ans: There are three characters in the lyric “Because I Could not Stop for Death”.

7. Who among the passengers of the carriage of Death represents life?

Ans: Among the passengers of the carriage of Death, the poet represents life.

8. Whom did the carriage of Death hold? 

Ans: The carriage of Death held the poet, Death himself and Immortality.

9. Who was the third companion on the carriage of Death?

Ans: The third companion on the carriage of Death was Immortality.

10. Where did the carriage pause?

Ans: The carriage paused before a house. 

11. What does the house symbolise?

Ans: The house symbolises grave. 

12. What is paradox?

Ans: A paradox is a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory statement or proposition that when investigated or explained may prove to be well founded or true.

13. Who is a mystic poet?

Ans: A mystic poet is any poet who tries to become one with God or the Absolute through his poetic expressions. He sees the relationship between a seeker and God as similar as that existing between a child and a parent, between close friends, or between a lover and his beloved.
